Thursday 2 May 2013

Favourite Spring Into Summer Scents;


I have four scents that at the moment I am really liking wearing, especially as they are great for the change between spring into summer! I thought I would show you them today as I think their really good quality, and doesnt steal too much out of your purse! 

Up first are my two slightly more pricey scents and they are both from the body shop. The Madagascan Vanilla Flower Eau De Toilette is £15.00 and the Indian Night Jasmine Fragrance Mist is £7.50. I absolutely love Body Shop fragrances and I have reached for the Indian Night Jasmine Fragrance mist for years. Both of these scents are quite strong, but settle down as the day goes by and would need reapplication after about 4hours or so. 

Madagascan Vanilla, as you can already tell is a luxurious vanilla scent, which smells absolutely divine! Some people may feel it is quite over powering, but I like the heavy scent as it tends to last a bit longer before reapplication. The bottle is glass, which Im quite wary about taking out, as I tend to drop my bags quite alot on the floor, but it seems like a thick glass which might not be as breakable as others. I like how the body shop redesigned their packaging and that the yellow flowers and trees represent the vanilla and what I presume is Madagascar. You only get 50ml of perfume, but you only need a few spritzes so this has well and truly lasted a long time with me!

Indian Night Jasmine, is by far my favourite spring/summer scent as it is a nice floral with a hint of oriental scented undertones. Once again, you dont need alot of product for a good scent. Which is one thing I love about body shop perfumes. As this is a fragrance mist and not a eau de toillette like the madagascan vanilla, you do get more perfume for your money. A decent 100ml is what this bottle carries, and once again I really like how the colours on the bottle represent the scent. This is a lot lighter scent compared to the madagascan vanilla, but nonetheless lives up to as high standards as the eau de toillette! 

On days where Im not really going out anywhere, or just popping to the shops I like to carry either a tin of body spray, or my new Avon favourites, body mists. These come in plastic bottles, which if Im honest dont feel too sturdy, but then for the cheap price I paid, I cant expect too great of results! I think I spent £6 on both of these products, as they were in the sale, so I think they were something ridicoulous like £3 each!

In all honesty I thought Id just get them to try them out, I didnt really think theyd be too good but I was wrong! Avons Naturals Apricor and Shea Fragrance spritz is a light and refreshing scent, which really does smell like apricots and shea. And doesnt smell to artificial. You do need to spray quite a bit of product to acheive a decent scent, but I dont really mind as it will be quite cheap to replace when it runs out! As I was saying above the packaging isnt all good but I do like that theyve placed photos of the apricot and shea on the bottle, so I guess if you have a few of their collection you can see exactly what bottle your picking up.

Tahitian Holiday is going to be my #1 summer scent this year. It is like holiday in a bottle. It smells exactly like coconuts and a nice warm beach full of sand, sea, and sun! The bottle just describes it as a exotic body mist, and it definatly smells exotic! I looove it! I will definatly repurchase this when it runs out, and my mum bought it in perfume form so I may have to pick that up to!

What are your favourite sping into summer scents?

Becca xox 

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