Wednesday 12 June 2013

Review; Elemis Fresh Skin Skin Clear Mattifying Moisturiser;

I dont suffer from oily skin, but when it comes to summer time I do tend to get a bit hot and sticky around my t-zone which helps melt my makeup off, boo! I picked this up in a magazine a couple of weeks ago on a whim as like I said I dont tend to suffer from oily skin. Ive started using this underneath my my foundation and primer as my new daytime moisturiser. It has a really weird scent, which to me smells like flowers but thats the only thing I dont like about this product. However on the plus side, this keeps my skin oil free and matte all day. It sinks in quickly and isnt greasy. It is quite a thin consistency and is very lightweight for the day time which I love. It doesnt leave my makeup patchy, it keeps it looking flawless and matte. So a big thumbs up from me!

Becca xox 

Screeching babies& bus journeys;

Hello lovelies! How are all you amazing people doing? Im typing this on the bus on the way home from my boyfriends house! He lives roughly an hour away from my house? But i have to pick some clothes up for me and Hayden. As i have been invited to stay over for a couple of days which is nice :) Ive been thinking about doing some more life style posts compared to all reviews, I dont know how well this will be recieved but be sure to let me know what you think!

Im sure this bus driver is hating me and my son right now, especially as Hayden is constantly screeching and screaming, but what else do you expect from a 16month old baby boy eh?! Im thinking as i go past superdrug I might pop in and check out some of the MUA products as I havent bought anything for a while :( Does anyone recommend anything from the MUA collection? 

Ive also decided that next pay day I am going to look around Primark to see what midi-style dresses they have, as a friend of mine has a couple and I really like the length and style of them..I just hope they suit me as I always have problems when buying and skirts as their either too long or too short :( 

    -Hayden having a rare quiet moment on this bus journey haha!-

Much love!
Becca xox 

Monday 10 June 2013

Review; Instyle Nails Inc Polishes;

Last month Instyle Magazine teamed up with Nails Inc, and created 3 new shades, 'Totes Pink' 'You're a Peach' 'Its Red, Babez' For £3.80 (I think) you could get one of the shades which is worth £11.

Totes Pink is a baby pale pink varnish, which to me seems like it has a hint of lilac. I think the colour is a very pretty, girly shade of pink and is one that I dont have in my ever growing nail varnish collection. Your a Peach, is as the name states a peach/coral colour, it once again is sort of pale but still packs a punch, it doesnt really work on my skin tone which Im upset about as it is such a cute colour! Finally, Its Red Babez is a bright post box red which I absolutely adore! I am a huge fan of red nail varnishes but this one is my favourite, its a bit of a darker post box red. 

The application of these nail varnishes is really good, they are fully opaque in two light coats and the pigmentation of the colour is really good!

Ive never tried Nails Inc polishes up until now, have you?

Becca xox 

Saturday 8 June 2013

Review; Eau Thermale Avene Gentle Gel Cleanser & Light Hydrating Cream;

I signed up on the Avene Website, entered my details and was sent a couple of sample sized products. I was sent the gentle gel cleanser and light hydrating cream.

You get 5ml of the light hydrating cream and 25ml of the gentle gel cleanser. I honestly thought that this wouldnt be much product, however Im quite happy to say the cleanser has lasted me a while and Ive used it every evening for nearly a month! The cleanser leaves my skin feeling really soft and clean after use and I really do like how it works! The consistency is really thin, and not much like a thick gel but still is quite good. The packaging on this bottle is quite hard to use, especially as the first couple of times I used it I did end up wasting a fair bit of product. However is it easier to use when you know how much you need to apply.

Im quite impressed with the cream aswell. In my opinion its worth the full price of a big tube/bottle. It is a thick white consistency which sinks into skin quickly and doesnt leave me feeling greasy or sticky. I use quite a lot of this as I always like to use alot of moisturiser before bed to make my skin feel really soft. I have nearly used this little tube up, but I am seriously considering purchasing the full size.

After trying these little samples, they have really got me interested in other Avene products, do you use avene? What do you think of the brand?

Becca xox  

Friday 7 June 2013

It's been a while!

I am so sorry I haven't blogged in absolutely ages! I've had so much going on and I've been so stressed recently, I'm writing this post from my ipad so I'm not sure what the quality will be like :( but on the plus side I do have an iPad now :) I have spent today scheduling posts to upload for the next couple of weeks which will bring us into July. I am also going to be uploading a video of my may favourites! 

Becca Xbox 

Friday 24 May 2013

Review; Boots Natural Collection Vanilla Body Lotion;

I havent blogged for a whole 12 days, which is not good! But I do have a decent-ish reason why, I was typing my Original Source Chocolate and Mint shower gel review at my boyfriends house, and he asked to borrow the laptop. Me being the nice girlfriend I am said yes, to much dismay I only got my laptop back last night, so I havent been able to upload anything for a while:( 

I know body lotion isnt very makeup and beauty related, but I do like to use it every day to give my skin a little pamper and treat! At a bargain price of £3 the Boots Natural Collection Vanilla body lotion is one I have been reaching for most these past couple of weeks (nearly two months, oh dear!) I always like to swap my body lotions up, but when I find one I really like, I will not stop using it and my others take a back seat for a very long time, well 9 times out of 10 until the whole tube/pot/sachet has been used up!n

Boots Natural Collection isnt a brand Ive ever tried before, so when I stumbled across the vanilla body lotion on a whim I was very pleasantly surprised by the smell of the product. I know, i know, its not good just going by the scent of a product, it wont affect the rest of the factors you need to consider, but to me, if it smells nice, I will definatly buy it. 

Not only does the body lotion smell amazing, it is in general - amazing! It sinks into the skin quickly and doesnt leave you feeling sticky or wet like some others do. It smells amazing for a good couple of hours after application, and truly smells like vanilla pods, not too artificial like some. It is quite a thick consistency, and it is easy for you to use too much and it wont rub in properly but when you know how much you need, you realise a little goes a long way!

Overall a super product, and I really want to try out the Vanilla body mist they have too, as a cheaper alternative to my body shop one!

Becca xox 

Sunday 12 May 2013

Review; Original Source Chocolate and Mint Shower gel;

A bit of a different post today, but if you read my April Favourites post then you will have seen that one of my april favourites was my Original Source Chocolate and Mint shower gel (£2.30) I wouldnt normally review a shower gel but to me, this is worth the hype!

When I picked this up in boots I thought I wouldnt be too fussed by it, especially as my previous showergel had run out. Im not a girl that is really bothered by showergels, obviously I always use them but had never found one that I dont want to run out, well until recently!

Original Source are a brand that specialise in natural bathing products, and are part of the fair trade company. Which made me even more inclined to buy this showergel. Truth be told, Ive never purchased any Original Source products before, and I seriously dont know why! I am in love with this shower gel!

It has a fresh mint and chocolate smell, which doesnt smell artificial, one of the problems I was worried about. The smell fills my bathroom and lingers on my skin for a good few hours afterwards. I smell good enough to eat haha!

It foams up really well and you dont need alot of the product so this will last you a really long time! This has lasted me well over a month which I am incredibly surprised about, and I am definatly repurchasing this after it runs out, i LOVE it!

Have you tried any Original Source products? Comment and let me know what you think about them!

Becca xox