Wednesday 27 February 2013

Exciting stuff...!

So..I've had roughly 100 views on my first youtube video! I was so shocked when I woke up this morning, logged on a saw it. I thought everyone would by-pass it! HaHa. I've had a few comments saying the lighting and camera quality was bad, so Ive ordered a proper camcorder from currys and it will arrive on Friday, so I will then upload a video then.

Hopefully the quality and sound will be alot better! *Fingers Crossed!*

Over the weekend I am planning on going to a couple of charity shops in my local area, to see what cute little storage and other items I can get to arrange my makeup and beauty items. (Im on a whole clearing spree and want to properly sort my makeup out, as at the moment its all pretty much in see through bags, in a box.)

I want to feel proud of my makeup collection and would love to display it in little vintage boxes and tins. It would make my feel so excited every time I put my makeup on and when I go into my room!

Oh how I would love to have something as pretty and cute as this in my bedroom!

From one new camera waiting girl to another...
Becca xox 

Tuesday 26 February 2013


Hey guys so todays post isn't all to do with makeup and beauty, however.. I've got some exciting news! I've created a youtube account! I have wanted to make youtube videos for over a year, and after starting this blog I have finally plucked up the courage to make one.. and.. I have already uploaded my first video. Its my outfit of the day for today. I will post a link below to my youtube channel so please head over and check it out, even if its just to watch my outfit of the day video, HaHa! Even though I would like some subscribers.

Ive decided my next video to go up will be a haul of my recent shopping trip, which I will either film tomorrow or the day after depending on my free time in the day ( I'm a busy bee being a pretty much full time mummy!)

I hope you like my channel if you do go check it out.

Don't forget to follow me on blogluvin' I've had no followers yet :( HaHa!

All my love..
Becca xox

Sunday 24 February 2013

Morning Skin Care Routine;

Last night I uploaded my night time skin care routine, and now this blog post if my morning skin care routine.
 1. I start by washing my face with Skinology Tea Tree Face Wash. I really like this product as it leaves my skin really clean and the tea tree in it helps fight spots and blemishes which is an added bonus!

2. I then take some Skinology Tea Tree Blackhead Cleanser on a cotton pad and sweep it across my face and neck to remove any excess dirt.

3. I place some Skinology Tea Tree Intensive Spot Cream on any blemishes or spots and rub it in. This helps fight the infection off and for me it really does work!

4. Finally, I use Nivea Soft Moisurising Cream on all my dry areas, such as my t-zone, chin and cheeks. This moisturiser leaves my skin feeling super soft and is not oily or greasy. I have used this moisturiser for a long time and would recommend it to everyone!

As you can tell my morning skin care routine is a lot shorter than my night time routine, but this is mainly because I like my skin feeling light weight before putting my makeup on. The tea tree products help fight off any spots I manage to get, HaHa!

Becca xox

Saturday 23 February 2013

Night Time Skin Care Routine;

As I am sure, every girl has a night time skin care routine. So I thought I would share with you what I do every night.

1. I start by using Pure Deep Cleanse makeup remover wipes and some eye makeup remover wipes ( I can't remember their name). You can purchase both packets at Poundland though. Considering these are quite cheap wipes they really do take all of your makeup off and make your skin feel really clean and refreshed.

2. I then wash my face with warm water and take my Nivea Gentle Cleansing Cream Wash which I use for dry skin, and rub into my skin using a circular motion. I then was this off with cold water.

3. Using a round cotton pad I wipe my face all over with Skinology Tea Tree Blackhead Cleanser. This helps remove any excess dirt and oils, and it makes your skin feel smoother and fresher and cleaner.

4. I read online that you can use Savlon First Aid Wash to help clear spots, and as I get the odd break out here and there I thought I would give it a try to see what its like. If you would like a review please comment below :) ! So I spray this on any areas that I feel like a spot is arising or is already there.

5. I then take my Skinology Tea Tree Intensive Spot Cream and place it down the bridge of my nose, on my chin and around my temples. (these are the places I seem to break out the most)

6. Finally, as I have extremely dry skin I use Nivea Intensive Advanced Moisture Care Lotion. I purchased this in Poundland a couple of weeks ago and I have so far been hooked on it! I love how soft it leaves my skin and how hydrated I feel, it contains Almond Oil in it so it soaks deep into my skin, and I still have a super soft face in the morning. HaHa!

In the morning when I was my face and get ready for the day I use a few different products. Which I've decided I will show you tomorrow what I use in the mornings as my skin care routine and I will show you my every day makeup too!

Whats your favourite skin care products? Is there anything you recommend I try out? Comment below and let me know!

From one soft faced girlie to another...

Becca xox

Thursday 21 February 2013

My new makeup storage ヅ

I visited one of my favourite shops today...Poundland. I was on a hunt to get some new storage for my makeup. I came across these draw boxes, which I thought would be great for some of my most used products, like eyeshadows, lip glosses and lipsticks etc. I bought two so that I could stand them by my mirror so my favourite items are within easy reach. They arent the most stable of boxes but for a few items here and there it is worth the money.

The other week on Ebay I purchased this face pad holder, which came with face pads too. This was such a good idea as I always manage to lose my cotton pads all over my room and in my bathroom.. much to my mums annoyance. Now their on hand whenever I need them and not underneath my bed anymore!

Back to poundland I bought this cute little makeup bag to use for any items such as eye lash curlers, hair clips for when I straighten my hair and nail varnish remover pads. This helps keep all my little odds and ends together. Finally I bought a basket which Ive put all my essential items like nail buffers, exfoliating gloves and nail wraps in.

Sorry this is a rushed blog but my boyfriend is coming round and I havent seen him in a few days and I'm missing him loaads!

All my love <3
Becca xox

Wednesday 20 February 2013

#Review; Dirty Works Coconut Caress Body Butter

I am completely in love with Dirty Works Coconut Caress Body Butter. I have never smelt a body butter as yummy as this before in my life.. and I have tried many body butters!
Imagine sitting on a warm beach in the middle of a tropical country, sipping cocktails as there are waves splashing on the sand by your feet. A palm tree with coconuts a little distance away.. Well that's enough dreaming for today!

I've jumped on the fake tanning wagon and joined in all the 'hype' about it.. and as part of this I have been trying to get my skin into such a perfect condition. I've been exfoliating and buffing my skin beyond belief. This is where the Dirty Works Coconut Caress Body Butter comes in..I was looking for a body butter that would leave my skin feeling silky smooth so that I could get the perfect finish to my fake tan. I hunted Sainsburys high and low for a nice body butter to use. I stumbled across a pretty purple bottle, which when I opened engulfed me in an amazing coconut smell. That was it! What I was looking for, obviously I bought it and have loved it ever since. I've used it everyday and I've seen amazing results. I suffer from quite dry skin on my arms and legs and this body butter has helped leave my skin a lot softer and less dry. The cream moisturizes the skin for a loooong time and you can still smell and feel the product a good couple of hours later.

As the picture above shows the product is a nice thick consistency (my camera was playing up today and refused to focus, so sorry about the bad lighting etc) but it feels so light weight on your skin you wouldn't know you were wearing it except that the smell definatly attracts your attention. This product is not oily at all and sinks into the skin quickly whilst leaving it hydrated and moisturized, something you rarely see nowadays..(well I think ;) ) With such a big pot (300ml) this will definatly last a long time, and when it does run out I am totally going to repurchase it!

Whats your favorite Dirty Works product? Is there anything else I should invest in?!
From one Clean girl to another..

Becca xox

Monday 18 February 2013

I went shopping! &OOTD;

Hmm.. well today was a busy day. Me and Hayden woke up super early *yawn* to get ready for a day of shopping and fun! We took the super long journey into town on the bus..which took an hour instead of the 30 minutes it should have taken because of the traffic. All the way there Hayden kept saying 'bir bir' his own little words for birds, HaHa! I love having a happy baby :')

The first shop I hit was Republic because their in the middle of their closing down sale, I was rather unimpressed! The sale was still extremely expensive with mark downs of only just 20%.. so it looks like I'll be waiting until their even closer to shutting down before I go there again!

I then went into Superdrug and managed to find a few little bargains..
*MUA Lipstick in Shade 13; bright red lipstick (my new favourite lip colour)
*MUA Red lip liner in Red Drama
*MUA Matte Perfect Loose Powder in translucent
*Mud Therapy deep cleansing mask
*Simple Moisturizing Facial Wash
*Simple Soothing Facial Toner
* Rimmel London Stay Matte Dual Action Concealer in 020 Soft Ivory

*Savlon First Aid Wash
*Nivea Gentle Cleansing Cream Wash
*Fake Dont Bake gradual tan
*Blistex Moisturizing lip balm
*Rimmel London Exaggerate Full Colour Lip Liner in 046 Ultimate

*Fake Tan Mit
*Allura Hair brush set
*Allura head wraps; in white and black
*Miss Sporty eyeshadow in
*Miss Sporty Eyeliner in 002 Solid
*Miss Sporty Ultra Shine Gloss in
*DermaV10 Rescue Oil
*Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Seal to Clear gel
*Pure Makeup wipes & eye makeup remover wipes

 Then finally we went into my most favorite shop ever!.. LUSH!
I bought a really nice bubble bar called Creamy Candy Bubble really does smell like candy when it fills up in my bath! I break it off and use it in little bits rather than putting the whole of the bar under the water. I love the smell of this bubble bar and the consistency is amazing too plus it makes alot of bubbles! I would definitely recommend getting this if you can!

The outfit I wore today was; light blue skinny jeans from primark, a Skull shapped tshirt from a market stall in my city center and a black cardigan from primark. I teamed this with a black and gold studded collar and turquoise coloured 'fake' vans!

After this crazy long post, I am off to bed, need to get my beauty sleep HaHa!
From one sleeping beauty to another..

Becca xox

Sunday 17 February 2013

#Review; Andrew Collinge PURITY Colour Therapy Shampoo & Conditioner

I have extremely damaged and fragile hair due to A LOT of previous dying and bleaching ( I decided one day that I wanted bright pink hair, which meant I had to bleach it, as I got a bit over excited and bleached my hair 4 times in 1 day and managed to end up with a huge chunk of my hair falling out :( with even more hair falling out continuously to this day.) My hair is very fine as it is, now even more so with it being half dead, HaHa!

I picked up this shampoo and conditioner in an attempt to salvage what is left of my hair and to bring it back to life a little.

Shampoo: A special blend of nourishing Blue Lotus Root and vitamin rich Perilla Seed Oil...
I found with this shampoo it didn't lather as well as other shampoos I have tried in the past. However, the fruity smell more than makes up for the lack of bubbles! The smell lasted for a good while after and my hair was left feeling smooth.

Conditioner: A fusion of nourishing Blue Lotus Root, replenishing vitamins and UV protector...
This conditioner is one of the best I've used so far, except various Tresemme conditioners. My hair was left silky smooth and had so much life. Normally after using a conditioner my hair feels lank and lifeless. Where I have bleached my hair so many times my hair is so dry from being dead. This conditioner made it feel like silk.

Overall, I think these are good buys, and may purchase them again, however I always go out looking for a new shampoo and conditioner before my bottles I'm using at that moment have run out. I like a bit of variety and to shake things up a bit ;) HaHa!

Off to bed I go, got to be up early tomorrow for a bit of shopping in the town center tomorrow.
Hugs from my warm bed to yours..

 Becca xox

Saturday 16 February 2013

First blog post of my life :)

So as your reading this; I thought I'd tell you a little bit about myself. I'm an ordinary girl from the heart of Oxford: UK. I am 17 years old (18 in April; yippee!) I have a 1 year old little boy called Hayden. Who, as I am typing this is trying to get onto the sofa to see what I am doing..

Cheeky little monkey! This little boy has turned my life around, make me who I am today, without him I would be nothing. Me and his father aren't together, however he has contact with him on tuesdays, over night, so mummy Becca can have a good nights sleep :) its so close to Tuesday now, time needs to speed up a little. I miss him with all my heart when he goes, even though its for one night. It feels like my heart has been ripped out :( but I do need to have one night to have a full nights sleep, rather then getting up every half an hour to sort him out. Hayden refuses to sleep and has been put into a sleeping program to try and sort it out before it becomes even more of a problem.

Apart from my little boy this blog with be about makeup and beauty related things. As I am a mummy I cant afford makeup brands like mac etc but I do use quite good drugstore brands. If i do any makeup looks then you can use whatever make up brands you like but obviously in similar colours, or if you prefer you can make the look completely your own.

Well I'm off for now, love and hugs from one little cheeky monkey to another...

Becca&Hayden xox