Wednesday 12 June 2013

Review; Elemis Fresh Skin Skin Clear Mattifying Moisturiser;

I dont suffer from oily skin, but when it comes to summer time I do tend to get a bit hot and sticky around my t-zone which helps melt my makeup off, boo! I picked this up in a magazine a couple of weeks ago on a whim as like I said I dont tend to suffer from oily skin. Ive started using this underneath my my foundation and primer as my new daytime moisturiser. It has a really weird scent, which to me smells like flowers but thats the only thing I dont like about this product. However on the plus side, this keeps my skin oil free and matte all day. It sinks in quickly and isnt greasy. It is quite a thin consistency and is very lightweight for the day time which I love. It doesnt leave my makeup patchy, it keeps it looking flawless and matte. So a big thumbs up from me!

Becca xox 

Screeching babies& bus journeys;

Hello lovelies! How are all you amazing people doing? Im typing this on the bus on the way home from my boyfriends house! He lives roughly an hour away from my house? But i have to pick some clothes up for me and Hayden. As i have been invited to stay over for a couple of days which is nice :) Ive been thinking about doing some more life style posts compared to all reviews, I dont know how well this will be recieved but be sure to let me know what you think!

Im sure this bus driver is hating me and my son right now, especially as Hayden is constantly screeching and screaming, but what else do you expect from a 16month old baby boy eh?! Im thinking as i go past superdrug I might pop in and check out some of the MUA products as I havent bought anything for a while :( Does anyone recommend anything from the MUA collection? 

Ive also decided that next pay day I am going to look around Primark to see what midi-style dresses they have, as a friend of mine has a couple and I really like the length and style of them..I just hope they suit me as I always have problems when buying and skirts as their either too long or too short :( 

    -Hayden having a rare quiet moment on this bus journey haha!-

Much love!
Becca xox 

Monday 10 June 2013

Review; Instyle Nails Inc Polishes;

Last month Instyle Magazine teamed up with Nails Inc, and created 3 new shades, 'Totes Pink' 'You're a Peach' 'Its Red, Babez' For £3.80 (I think) you could get one of the shades which is worth £11.

Totes Pink is a baby pale pink varnish, which to me seems like it has a hint of lilac. I think the colour is a very pretty, girly shade of pink and is one that I dont have in my ever growing nail varnish collection. Your a Peach, is as the name states a peach/coral colour, it once again is sort of pale but still packs a punch, it doesnt really work on my skin tone which Im upset about as it is such a cute colour! Finally, Its Red Babez is a bright post box red which I absolutely adore! I am a huge fan of red nail varnishes but this one is my favourite, its a bit of a darker post box red. 

The application of these nail varnishes is really good, they are fully opaque in two light coats and the pigmentation of the colour is really good!

Ive never tried Nails Inc polishes up until now, have you?

Becca xox 

Saturday 8 June 2013

Review; Eau Thermale Avene Gentle Gel Cleanser & Light Hydrating Cream;

I signed up on the Avene Website, entered my details and was sent a couple of sample sized products. I was sent the gentle gel cleanser and light hydrating cream.

You get 5ml of the light hydrating cream and 25ml of the gentle gel cleanser. I honestly thought that this wouldnt be much product, however Im quite happy to say the cleanser has lasted me a while and Ive used it every evening for nearly a month! The cleanser leaves my skin feeling really soft and clean after use and I really do like how it works! The consistency is really thin, and not much like a thick gel but still is quite good. The packaging on this bottle is quite hard to use, especially as the first couple of times I used it I did end up wasting a fair bit of product. However is it easier to use when you know how much you need to apply.

Im quite impressed with the cream aswell. In my opinion its worth the full price of a big tube/bottle. It is a thick white consistency which sinks into skin quickly and doesnt leave me feeling greasy or sticky. I use quite a lot of this as I always like to use alot of moisturiser before bed to make my skin feel really soft. I have nearly used this little tube up, but I am seriously considering purchasing the full size.

After trying these little samples, they have really got me interested in other Avene products, do you use avene? What do you think of the brand?

Becca xox  

Friday 7 June 2013

It's been a while!

I am so sorry I haven't blogged in absolutely ages! I've had so much going on and I've been so stressed recently, I'm writing this post from my ipad so I'm not sure what the quality will be like :( but on the plus side I do have an iPad now :) I have spent today scheduling posts to upload for the next couple of weeks which will bring us into July. I am also going to be uploading a video of my may favourites! 

Becca Xbox 

Friday 24 May 2013

Review; Boots Natural Collection Vanilla Body Lotion;

I havent blogged for a whole 12 days, which is not good! But I do have a decent-ish reason why, I was typing my Original Source Chocolate and Mint shower gel review at my boyfriends house, and he asked to borrow the laptop. Me being the nice girlfriend I am said yes, to much dismay I only got my laptop back last night, so I havent been able to upload anything for a while:( 

I know body lotion isnt very makeup and beauty related, but I do like to use it every day to give my skin a little pamper and treat! At a bargain price of £3 the Boots Natural Collection Vanilla body lotion is one I have been reaching for most these past couple of weeks (nearly two months, oh dear!) I always like to swap my body lotions up, but when I find one I really like, I will not stop using it and my others take a back seat for a very long time, well 9 times out of 10 until the whole tube/pot/sachet has been used up!n

Boots Natural Collection isnt a brand Ive ever tried before, so when I stumbled across the vanilla body lotion on a whim I was very pleasantly surprised by the smell of the product. I know, i know, its not good just going by the scent of a product, it wont affect the rest of the factors you need to consider, but to me, if it smells nice, I will definatly buy it. 

Not only does the body lotion smell amazing, it is in general - amazing! It sinks into the skin quickly and doesnt leave you feeling sticky or wet like some others do. It smells amazing for a good couple of hours after application, and truly smells like vanilla pods, not too artificial like some. It is quite a thick consistency, and it is easy for you to use too much and it wont rub in properly but when you know how much you need, you realise a little goes a long way!

Overall a super product, and I really want to try out the Vanilla body mist they have too, as a cheaper alternative to my body shop one!

Becca xox 

Sunday 12 May 2013

Review; Original Source Chocolate and Mint Shower gel;

A bit of a different post today, but if you read my April Favourites post then you will have seen that one of my april favourites was my Original Source Chocolate and Mint shower gel (£2.30) I wouldnt normally review a shower gel but to me, this is worth the hype!

When I picked this up in boots I thought I wouldnt be too fussed by it, especially as my previous showergel had run out. Im not a girl that is really bothered by showergels, obviously I always use them but had never found one that I dont want to run out, well until recently!

Original Source are a brand that specialise in natural bathing products, and are part of the fair trade company. Which made me even more inclined to buy this showergel. Truth be told, Ive never purchased any Original Source products before, and I seriously dont know why! I am in love with this shower gel!

It has a fresh mint and chocolate smell, which doesnt smell artificial, one of the problems I was worried about. The smell fills my bathroom and lingers on my skin for a good few hours afterwards. I smell good enough to eat haha!

It foams up really well and you dont need alot of the product so this will last you a really long time! This has lasted me well over a month which I am incredibly surprised about, and I am definatly repurchasing this after it runs out, i LOVE it!

Have you tried any Original Source products? Comment and let me know what you think about them!

Becca xox

Tuesday 7 May 2013

April 2013 Favourites;

The past couple of monthly favourites I have done videos for and uploaded them onto my youtube channel so go and check them out if you have a bit of spare time, but this month Ive not decided whether I am going to upload a video onto youtube about these favourites. I decided I definitely wanted to do a blog post about them.

I do have quite a few favourites this month..but all of them I reallllly love!

Starting with more beauty and bath related products, I ran out of my favourite bath foam, (wilkinsons honey and vanilla bath foam) which I was absolutely gutted about. I havent had the time to go get another (my nearest wilkinsons is about an hour away on the bus) So I went into superdrug and managed to pick up a Radox Sleep Easy bath soak which has chamomile and jasmine in it. It is such a relaxing scent and I really do think it does help me sleep easier haha! I also ran out of my shower gel at the end of last month, so I went and picked up the Original Source Chocolate and Mint shower gel. I am in LOVE with this! It smells sooo good and I may even have to do a review on this so I wont say too much about it now...
I have been trying out some face masks recently as I do like to give my skin the odd treat here and there, okaay well alot haha! I love the good things five minute facial mask, it leaves your skin feeling really soft, but once again I have got an upcoming review about this so Im not going to say too much! 

I absolutely love the smell of vanilla so my next two products are vanilla scented, I featured one in a post recently, and it is the Body Shop Madagascan Vanilla Flower Eau De Toillette. Love at first whiff! Ive been using this alot recently as the warmer weather has been hitting as I think it is such a summery scent and one that will never fail to make me feel nice. I also purchased the Boots Natural Collection Vanilla Body Lotion last month, and I think it may be my new go to body lotion. I have dropped all my other ones and this has been my holy grail item. It leaves your skin feeling so soft and smelling great. I suffer from quite dry skin on my arms and legs, and this has been great at smoothing and softening them.

Moroccan Oil; Now Im sure everyone has heard of this. But if you havent then I have got a review on this so go and check it out to see why it is in my favourites this month!

Now onto beauty/makeup related products I have been using my St Moriz Instant Self Tanning Mousse so much now the sun has started to shine, it leaves a really nice healthy glow on my skin which I absolutely love,  It doesnt smell to bad either which is a nice bonus! 
My love for the Nivea Gloss Wonder Balms has rekindled since picking up a few more in Poundland. I got the Bellini balm, Rose balm and Mango balm. I love wearing these in warm weather as they contain spf 15 and are really soothing on the lips, plus the hint of colour makes them look super pretty. 
Another lip product I am loving is the Avon Colour Trend Lipstick in Hot Pink Love, below is a picture of the colour, and it truely is a bright hot pink which is a perfect shade now that we are getting into the summer time. 

Finally I have been using two of my MUA palletes alot. First is the Heaven and Earth pallette, which is made up of different bronze and brown shades of eyeshadow, perfect for my everyday look. It is so versatile for every skin and eye tone. The other pallette I have been using loads is the Artiste Collection. It has various eyeshadows and blushes. I have been using the first pink blush the most ( pink sparkle) as it gives me a really healthy glow to my cheeks which I absolutely love at this time of the year!

So there you have it! My april favourites! What are your favourites this month?

Becca xox 

Thursday 2 May 2013

Favourite Spring Into Summer Scents;


I have four scents that at the moment I am really liking wearing, especially as they are great for the change between spring into summer! I thought I would show you them today as I think their really good quality, and doesnt steal too much out of your purse! 

Up first are my two slightly more pricey scents and they are both from the body shop. The Madagascan Vanilla Flower Eau De Toilette is £15.00 and the Indian Night Jasmine Fragrance Mist is £7.50. I absolutely love Body Shop fragrances and I have reached for the Indian Night Jasmine Fragrance mist for years. Both of these scents are quite strong, but settle down as the day goes by and would need reapplication after about 4hours or so. 

Madagascan Vanilla, as you can already tell is a luxurious vanilla scent, which smells absolutely divine! Some people may feel it is quite over powering, but I like the heavy scent as it tends to last a bit longer before reapplication. The bottle is glass, which Im quite wary about taking out, as I tend to drop my bags quite alot on the floor, but it seems like a thick glass which might not be as breakable as others. I like how the body shop redesigned their packaging and that the yellow flowers and trees represent the vanilla and what I presume is Madagascar. You only get 50ml of perfume, but you only need a few spritzes so this has well and truly lasted a long time with me!

Indian Night Jasmine, is by far my favourite spring/summer scent as it is a nice floral with a hint of oriental scented undertones. Once again, you dont need alot of product for a good scent. Which is one thing I love about body shop perfumes. As this is a fragrance mist and not a eau de toillette like the madagascan vanilla, you do get more perfume for your money. A decent 100ml is what this bottle carries, and once again I really like how the colours on the bottle represent the scent. This is a lot lighter scent compared to the madagascan vanilla, but nonetheless lives up to as high standards as the eau de toillette! 

On days where Im not really going out anywhere, or just popping to the shops I like to carry either a tin of body spray, or my new Avon favourites, body mists. These come in plastic bottles, which if Im honest dont feel too sturdy, but then for the cheap price I paid, I cant expect too great of results! I think I spent £6 on both of these products, as they were in the sale, so I think they were something ridicoulous like £3 each!

In all honesty I thought Id just get them to try them out, I didnt really think theyd be too good but I was wrong! Avons Naturals Apricor and Shea Fragrance spritz is a light and refreshing scent, which really does smell like apricots and shea. And doesnt smell to artificial. You do need to spray quite a bit of product to acheive a decent scent, but I dont really mind as it will be quite cheap to replace when it runs out! As I was saying above the packaging isnt all good but I do like that theyve placed photos of the apricot and shea on the bottle, so I guess if you have a few of their collection you can see exactly what bottle your picking up.

Tahitian Holiday is going to be my #1 summer scent this year. It is like holiday in a bottle. It smells exactly like coconuts and a nice warm beach full of sand, sea, and sun! The bottle just describes it as a exotic body mist, and it definatly smells exotic! I looove it! I will definatly repurchase this when it runs out, and my mum bought it in perfume form so I may have to pick that up to!

What are your favourite sping into summer scents?

Becca xox 

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Spring Nail Polish; My favourites!

Going through my nail polish collection today I noticed that I had quite a few Collection 2000 nail varnishes in spring-like colours. I dug them all out and decided to show you my favourite six. 

Angel Wings- This is a very pretty grey colour which is light to apply and builds up to a really nice shade.
Lemon Soda- This is a pastel yellow which is absolutely gorgeous. The perfect spring yellow, it drys to a nice yellow colour, which looks like it has been mixed into white, nice!
Fruit Loop- This is a bit of an odd shade that I chose as a colour Id wear for spring ( it looks pink in my photo but i assure you its not) Its a pale orangey/pink colour. Its amazing! It reminds me a bit like some of the weird colour daffodils that grow in my garden haha!

Mint Mojo- As the name suggests its a mint green which is perfect for spring. 
Candy Floss- Is a super girly pastel pink, which I wouldnt normally wear as it does resemble the colour that bubble gum is, but a bit more muted.
Button Moon- My favourite colour of the lot which is this pastel sky blue, that will work with both long and short nails and any skin tone! Love it love it love it!!

What nail polish is your favourite?!

Becca xox 

Thursday 25 April 2013

Review; Toni&Guy Straight &Protect Conditioner;

I used to straighten my hair everyday when my hair was longer, but since recently having it all chopped I have been a bit more relaxed on the straightening front. I used to use this every time I washed my hair, and I still continue to use it even though I dont straighten my hair as much. I tend to blow dry my hair with alot of heat, I like my hair dryer to be very strong when blowing the air out, and I like it at the highest heat it can be. My hair doesnt like it as much tho! I picked this little bottle up a good few months ago in Poundland, and it is still going strong now..

The packaging is a bright turquoise with a frosted white cap. It has writing in black and white which really stands out against the turquoise. I tend to go for things with pretty packaging as they appeal to my eyes, and generally then appeal to whatever part of my body they are for, HaHa! To get the product out however, there is no pump or 'squeeezy tube' type dispenser. It just pours out of the bottle, which means you cant really determine how much product you will get. Sometimes this does result in quite a waste, but since using this for a while I have learnt how to tip the tube to get just the right amount out.

You dont need to use alot of product as the conditioner is really thick, but when on wet hair it spreads and covers pretty much the whole head, but I use about a 5pence piece size to cover the ends of my hair. This is still a bit too much but I like to have silky smooth locks! The colour of it is white and it has a really nice fragrance which stays with you for the rest of the day. Ive certainly had compliments at how nice my hair smells. The scent is kind of floral, a bit like a perfume but I cant put my finger on what the other undertones are. If anyone can tell me what this scent reminds you of please let me know!

This conditioner is very good at conditioning, and I have noticed a great difference in how my hair looks and feels after being washed. Its left silky soft, and has a loverly natural shine to it. It stays soft until when your hair starts to go dirty again, which for me is about 3 days, so it is a brilliant product to keep your hair looking good.

Have you tried the Toni&Guy Straight & Protect Conditioner? What did you think about it?

Becca xox

Monday 22 April 2013

Review; Nivea Soft Refreshingly Soft Moisturising Cream;


This has been a holy grain item in my skincare and makeup routine for a VERY long time. Id say Ive been using this moisturiser for nearly 2years. I use this everyday after cleansing and toning my face. I leave it to soak in for about 10 minutes, whilst I get dressed, do my hair and faff about for a bit, then I apply my foundation etc.

Im not sure if the Nivea Soft Refreshingly Soft Moisturising Cream packaging has changed since I fist started buying it or if it comes in different styles. But I have both the tube and pot version. Both of which are very handy in their own rights. I really like the white, green and blue packaging and even though its simple it is still quite appealing to the eye.

As you can tell from the above photo the cream inside the tube/tub isnt thick, its a thin, 'watery' consistency. It sinks into the skin really quickly and leaves your skin feeling soft and moisturised. I love this as a moisturiser as it doesnt make me break out, which some other moisturisers do. It doesnt leave my skin oily or greasy, which is an added bonus as my skin has taken a dramatic turn from dry to combination. 

I absolutely love this moisturiser and definalty recommend it to anyone looking for a new moisturiser to try out!

Becca xox 

Saturday 13 April 2013

Review; Moroccan Oil;

Moroccan Oil is a hair treatment that has hit the UK and started quite a stir in the hair industry. In general there have been alot of hair oils floating about at the moment. Some more expensive then others.

I got my hair cut the other day by a professional for the first time in god knows how many years. (I have left  my hair to grow for a long time, and just got it occasionally trimmed by a girl I was living with last year.) My hair is in such a bad condition due to excessive bleaching and dying over the past couple of years. The hairdresser had to cut my hair short to get rid of all my split ends, so from being far below my shoulders, to just above my shoulders, my hair has had a dramatic change.

The hairdresser used a little bit of moroccan oil on my hair after cutting it, and explained that I should use it whenever I was my hair, and if I feel I need to use it when my hair is dry I can. Moroccan Oil is an oil thats yellow in colour that absorbs into hair without leaving any residue. It left my hair feeling so soft and shiny and alot healthier feeling!

I went ahead and bought the 100ml bottle, it did cost me £30.45 but you only have to use such little product it will last me a loooong time. It comes with a pump so you can get just the right amount of product you need, which will reduce waste.  So overall it is good for the price.

I have used this every day since having my hair cut and I can already see a difference compared to how my hair used to be. It now looks more alive and nourished and it is extremely soft and shiny. Whereas before my hair felt like hay due to all the dying and bleaching. Not a nice feeling! I am waiting for my natural hair colour to grow back through so just after christmas I got my hair dyed a similar brown to my natural colour, and now I am just waiting for my natural hair to come back. I definatly wont be ruining it when it does grow through. It will be a bleach&dying virgin as my dad called it the other day, haha!

Another thing I love about this product is the packaging. To me, it is absolutely beautiful! Its a turquoise colour with a golden/orangey colour for the lettering. It is so cute!

Have you ever tried Moroccan Oil? Are there any cheaper alternatives to this one, that works just aswell?
Becca xox

Thursday 11 April 2013

Review: Collection Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer;

OMG! I think I have fallen in love with this concealer! I picked it up in Boots and have not turned to another concealer since using this. The Collection Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer is now one of my holy grail makeup products. I seriously dont know how I ever thought another concealer was better!

Its a liquid concealer that claims to have 16hrs worth of wear. Now I NEVER wear my makeup for 16 hours, but I have noticed the concealer does stay on for a good 8-10hours that I wear my makeup. It claims that it is transfer proof, which I didnt believe at first, but after using this product for a good while I fully believe that! I cant seem to rave enough about this product, and even told one of my friends she needed to get it haha!

I chose the colour 1-Fair because I have relatively pale skin, even in the summer (boo!) However, I might have been alright with a slightly darker shade as it is a bit to pale for my skin tone, which I was very surprised about! It is good at covering my dark under eye circles, from my constant lack of sleep. (my 14month old doesnt sleep to well at night:( )

I recently broke out quite badly, Ive been trying some new products out that I am planning to review in the next couple of weeks, and cant work out which one has had such a negative effect on my skin. So as I had a few angry red spots on my cheeks, chin, and forehead area I thought this would be a good opportunity to see how good this concealer is. I was shocked to see that it completely covered my bright red spots and you literally couldnt tell I had them :D It has a doe foot applicator which is easy go use and I just pat a bit onto the area I want to conceal then use my beauty blender sponge to blend it into my skin.

This product does exactly what it claims and more, and I am so happy I bought it. I dont think I will be going back to any of my other concealers any time soon, even though I do love my rimmel london wake me up concealer alot!

Becca xox

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Review; Collection Shimmer Shades (Way to Glow);

I have fallen in love with using blushers and bronzers that have more than one colour, like quads and mosaic blushers. When I was browsing through boots nearly a month ago, I came across the Collection Shimmer Shades quad, I picked up one that is more bronzed colours than blusher. Its a very pigmented block made up of four different colours; 2 different shades of brown, and a pinky colour and a highlighter. I swirl the four colours together and using a large bronzing brush I apply it to the apples of my cheeks and my cheekbones.

The effect it gives is a very natural, radiant glow. It has a really good staying power, and I love the warm and cool toned bronzers! The packaging is very sturdy and I like the clear packaging, so you can tell straight away what you are picking out of your makeup bag/collection. It is quite cheap at only £4.19 so its a good bargain for such a good product!

I really enjoy using this, and have reached for it everyday since Ive bought it, and will definatly repurchase this, and I might take a look at the blusher version!

Becca xox

Sunday 7 April 2013

Review; Rimmel London Apocalips;

Every blogger Ive read has done a review on the Rimmel London Apocalips Lip Lacquers, however, since picking a couple of the 'lip lacquers' up I thought I would give you my 2 pennies worth!

The photos that will follow are 100% the worst quality ever, but recently Ive been taking photos using my camcorder, as my digital camera doesnt focus very well -.- Im deciding at the moment whether I can afford to get a better quality camera, but hopefully I will..

Lip lacquers are a hybrid of a lipgloss and lipstick, the rimmel apocalips have the texture of a lipstick, but with the shine of a lipgloss. Which in my personal life have never come across before. It is such a different experience haha! Overall, the gloss effect only stays for over an hour or two, depending on whether I eat or drink, and when it drys it goes to a matte finish, as if Im wearing lipstick. The darkest colour I got (Galaxy) leaves a stain on the lips for a good couple of hours, and wont budge when eating or drinking.

I purchased 3 of the colours as they were on special offer in boots. I chose a nude colour (Nude Eclipse), peachy-coral colour (Luna) and a deep plum colour (Galaxy) Im so happy I chose all three of these as they look so good on and I think would be wearable for anyone. I wasnt brave enough to get the hot pink or the red colour, but I may actually go back and purchase some more. Overall, I really like the colours and formulas of these lip lacquers. Rimmel has really exceeded all my expectations!

Have you tried these lip lacquers? What do you think of them?!
Becca xox 

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Review; Collection 2000 Lasting Colour Gel Eyeliner (Black);

Ive never tried any gel eyeliners before, so when I picked this up in Boots, I thought I would give it a try. I cant seem to find it anywhere online, so I cant find a link to where you can get it from.

I was really dubious about the effect this would have on my eyes compared to a liquid eyeliner, which I always use. The eyeliner comes with a small brush, which is of a good quality, but I find its a bit too wide to create a nice, even, thin line. I use a brush I got part of a set from ebay.

The packaging is a frosted glass tub, which I actually really like, and makes it look alot more expensive than it is. The consistency of the gel is not too runny, and in my opinion its quite a thick, 'hard' gel. However, this is quite good because it means I only have to use a little bit to create the perfect winged eyeliner look. So this product really will last a long time! The pigmentation is amazing! Its a very true black, which doesnt smudge off during the day as many of my liquid eyeliners do. It fades the tiniest bit but not alot!

I really love this, you can apply it without and dragging and is generally a brilliant eyeliner!

Is there any other gel eyeliners I should try? Let me know!

Becca xox

Monday 1 April 2013

Review; Garnier Moisture Match 24hr Revitalising Hydrating Gel;

Its been nearly a week since Ive posted! Time has seemed to have zoomed by, but as my little boy is in bed and has been since 6.30 I thought I would spend the evening writing some blog posts to post over the next couple of days. They will mostly be reviews, but I am deffo going to film a March favourites video and March empties aswell, especially as these are two of the videos Ive been super excited to film! Its my birthday on friday, and Im turning 18, hooraah! So I am going to film my two videos the day after, but make sure to come along and watch my whats in my overnight bag video!

I went shopping a few weeks ago and picked up the Garnier Moisture Match 24hr Revitalising Hydration Gel. It was reduced to £3.99 in boots and so I picked up the wake me up gel, this is supposed to make your skin look brighter especially if you have dull looking skin. I never sleep due to having a child, and Hayden wakes up a good few times a night, so I always look tired and my skin feels really dull and lifeless.

Ive used this gel every day since buying it, and it has made a world of difference on my skin, it looks alot more bright and radiant. In all honesty I didnt think it would give any difference to my skin but I am very pleased to say it has! The gel is quite cooling on my skin, and isnt too thick or too runny, which sometimes I find with gels.

There isnt really much of a scent, (in my opinion) which Im not too fussed about, but overall I really like this gel and think it has brought alot of life back into my face area! I would definatly recommend this to any one with dull and lifeless skin.

Becca xox

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Review; Batiste Dry Shampoos;

I always use dry shampoos, and my favourite brand Ive ever come across is Batiste. I know many people use Batiste dry shampoos and really rave about them. But I reaaaally love them! I have only ever tried 3 of the ever growing collection, and the 3 that I have I am absolutely in love with! I own the original, cherry and blush scented ones.

First  off, the packaging on all of the Batiste shampoos are really pretty and that is pretty much what makes me head towards them when shopping. I managed to pick up the smaller ‘travel sized’ when I was shopping a few months ago, and stocked up as they were at an extremely reasonable price! These are great to just chuck in my bag when Im going out, as their not too bulky or heavy to carry on a day to day basis.

The original Batiste is a really fresh smelling powder, that is white in colour, but when sprayed on the hair doesn’t show up unless a lot is used (which I know from previous experience!) It leaves my hair smelling freshly washed, however the smell doesn’t linger for too long. As the name suggests ‘Cherry’ is a cherry scented powder which, once again, is clear in colour when sprayed on to the hair. The smell lingers for a while and isn’t too offensive, its quite a subtle scent. Finally the ‘Blush’ dry shampoo is a lovely floral scent, which in all honesty is my favourite scent out of the 3 I own. It leaves my hair feeling clean and smooth. 

Another brilliant thing about the Batiste dry shampoos is that they also leave my hair feeling quite bouncy and full of volume. They don’t weigh your hair down or leave it feeling dull and full of product.

I use the dry shampoos everyday when I don’t wash my hair, as a nice little pick me up to keep my hair looking and smelling great! Batiste have a great selection of other smells and varieties and I cant wait to try them out when I finish my current tins!

Do you like Batiste dry shampoo? Are there any you recommend I try?

Becca xox 

Saturday 23 March 2013

Review; Pantene Pro-V 12hr Night Therapy;

I thought today I would write about one of my favourite hair products that I have been using recently! A few months ago I was browsing through Poundland and picked up the Pro-V 12hr Night Therapy on a whim. I thought I would give it a try and see if it was any good.

Its a 12Hr nourishing treatment for dry/damaged hair..My hair is extremely damaged due to alot of bleaching and dying in the past couple of years. My hair is in such a bad condition I dyed it brown about 3 or 4 months  ago and decided that was going to be the last time I would dye it until my natural hair was restored. So far so good! Ive had some points where Ive really liked a persons hair colour and wanted to try it out, but I have completely resisted!

Since buying this oil treatment I have used it every night before going to bed and I absolutely love it! It leaves my feeling so soft and smooth when I brush it the next morning. I also use this after I was my hair and after drying it is silky and I wouldnt even realise my hair was so damaged as it is!

You dont have to wash the product off and can be used on both wet and dry hair, also it doesnt leave a visible residue on your pillow. It seems to really moisturise and nourish my hair. Ive read some mixed reviews about this, but overall I seem to really like the effects it has on my hair. And if Poundland gets them back in stock I will definately pick some more up!

Becca xox

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Mini Haul!

I havent been posting very many blogs recently, Ive had so much going on its been unbelievable! So yesterday I went shopping and picked up a few items, mainly from Asda, Wilkinson, Body Shop and TkMaxx.

Like I said I only picked up a few items, mainly essentials, and somethings for my little boy. I went to Asda first as that was the only reason I went shopping as I had to get Hayden a duvet set and pillow case. My mum bought him a blue and white star print fitted sheet a couple of weeks ago for his bed, and I wanted to get him a similar duvet and pillow case set. I chose a duvet and pillow case that were reversible, they are white with blue stars on one side, and blue with white stars on the other. I absolutely love the print and Hayden sure does too!

Next door to Asda is TkMaxx, I had a quick look around and didnt really see any beauty or makeup items that appealed to me. So I decided to take a look around the household items and I managed to pick up a 'Copenhagen Candle Company; Vanilla with Coconut Soy Candle' This was only £3 so I was so happy! This smells amazing and I cant wait to burn this as I think it will make my room smell loverly! HaHa! I also picked up a plain grey box, I decided this would be useful to store my makeup brushes, as at the moment they are just pushed into a draw, and I always hate having to get them out. At £1 I couldnt resist it! They also had ones that spinned around on a platform, but I wasnt too keen on the price..£5.99 is a bit hefty for what they did, and the only real difference between the one I bought and the other one, is that the other one spun around.

Wilkinsons always seems to do some good deals in it, and thats where I pick up my bubble bath and shower gels. ( I like their own brand as their brilliant for their price!) However, I was sorely disappointed on this trip into there! I only managed to pick up the St Moriz Instant Tan Mousse (Medium colour) Ive read all over the bloggersphere that this is a dupe for the St Tropez fake tan, however, Ive never been pulled in by St Tropez, purely because of the extortionate price tag! I used the St Moriz fake tan last night, and I am pleasantly surprised! Its left me with a nice golden tan, which is a bit patchy over my dry patches on my legs, but in all honesty I didnt exfoliate properly..(I was super tired and just wanted to get into bed) For £3 I am one happy girl!

Finally on my way back home I popped into the Body Shop in my city center, as they had a sale going on. I wasnt planning on buying anything in all fairness, until I saw the Body Shop Hemp Moisturising Wash..this was reduced from £5 to £2 so it was a major bargain! It said it is good for very dry skin, which is something I suffer badly with on my arms and legs at the moment, ( I dont know why but Ive never had it before ) I used it last night, and I havent seen much of an improvement but obviously Im going to give it more of a go before I say whether it was worth the £2 or not. I also picked up a Christmas themed plastic ball, which had 2 cocoa butter products in it. It contained the Cocoa body butter and Cocoa lip butter. I absolutely looooove the cocoa products that the body shop sell, so I was super duper happy to get this for £3. The body butter isnt its regular size, but as a travel size it is worth the money!

That is all I purchased yesterday, sorry this has been such a long post, but I thought I would make up for the lack of posts!

All my love
Becca xox

Monday 11 March 2013

Tag - Would You Rather? Beauty Edition;

I was browsing 'From Head To Toes Blog' and came across a tag. Ive wanted to do a tag since I first ever watched a tag video on youtube, and I thought this would be quite a good one to do especially as Im a rather indecisive sort of person. This includes questions you would ask when your telling someone their trapped on a dessert island! Such fun!

Lets get straight into it!

1.) Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, and lipglosses or lose all of your palettes and eyeshadows?

I would rather lose all my palettes and eyeshadows, only because I can still create an alright makeup look using just mascara and eyeliner, and sometimes my everyday makeup is made from just eyeliner and mascara. Especially when Im rushing! 

2.) Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?

I would rather never be able to cut it again, Ive lost alot of hair due to dying and bleaching and I hate it! Atleast now cutting it would mean I could actually grow my hair back haha!

3.) Would you rather have a coral cheek or a pink cheek?

I really like coral cheeks but I mostly go for a pink cheek, so yea.. pink would have to be my answer.

4.) If you had $1000 (£700) to spend, would you rather buy clothes or makeup?

I would rather buy makeup, as I have so many clothes at the moment I am trying to downsize my wardrobe, atleast I could then afford brands like MAC ;)

5.) Would you rather apply lipstick as eyeliner, or eyeliner as lipstick?

Urrm tough one.. I would rather apply my lipstick as eyeliner, as most of the eyeliners I use are black or brown, and well.. I dont think Id look that nice with black smeared all across my lips! Atleast I would end up with pink eyeliner :D

6.) Would you rather only shop at MAC or Sephora?

If I could afford either, it would definatly be MAC!

7.) Would you rather only use one eyeshadow color or one lip color for the rest of your life?

I would rather use just one lip colour for the rest of my life because I always swap my eye shadow colours around to match a outfit or what Im doing, but I always seem to opt for one lip colour till I get bored of it, so just using one wouldnt be to much of a  big deal for me!

8.) Would you rather wear winter clothes in summer or summer clothes in winter?

Im always cold, so I would wear winter clothes in summer...

9.) Would you rather have dark nails or bright nails all year round?

Bright nails!

10.) Would you rather give up your favorite lip product or your favorite eye product?

I would rather give up my favourite eye product, as my favourite lip product is my lip balm, and I could not love without it!

11.) Would you rather only be able to wear your hair in a ponytail or a messy bun?

Ponytail :)

12.) Would your rather never be able to paint your nails again or never use lipgloss?

Never use lipgloss, cos Im weird and I think nail varnish helps my nails grow longer, ( I dont bite them as much)

13.) Would you rather shave your eyebrows and have none at all or sharpie them in everyday?

OMG.. I would rather go bald eyebrows than have felt tip on my head!

14.) Would you rather live without makeup or nail polish?

Nail Polish, cos I hate not wearing makeup!

So there we have it, that was actually quite fun to do, so I hope you enjoy reading it.
I tag all of you to do it, so if you do make sure to let me know as I love reading tag posts, and if theres any others you know about I wanna hear about them!

Becca xox 

Review; Vaseline Healthy Hands + Stronger Nails Hand Cream;

Hey lovelies,

I seem to be on a reviewing roll! HaHa! Some of my future posts wont be just reviews, but hauls and other stuff to! Ive bought so many products recently I have tried so many out and some are now staples in my everyday routine, which in all honesty I dont know how I lived without them before!

My hands go really dry in the cold weather, and being in England- the weather is always cold! Ive suffered quite bad recently with dry, sore hands so when I picked up the Vaseline Healthy Hands+ Stronger Nails hand Cream I was hoping for a good deep conditioning hand cream like the packaging suggested.
Sorry for the bad picture quality..

However, its not as deep conditioning as I would have liked, but its good for a quick pick-me-up when Im on the go, or just to pop into my bag. I wouldnt say its a cream, more like a lotion as it is a quite thin formula.  Theres a slight floral scent to it, which I dont really mind and I think it smells quite nice. Im not too sure if its the style of tube or thickness of the formula that means when you get some product out it is easy to pour too much, which is a bit of a waste.

My hands do feel alot softer for a little while after using it, but not for a long time as I was kind of hoping it would. I use this every night before I go to bed just for that little over night hydration, and I use a fair bit more than I should so that my hands still feel soft in the morning. The tube claims that it strengthens nails by 50%, my nails do feel a bit stronger and not as brittle, however Im not sure if this is to do with the cream or something else Im doing to my hands, ( Im hoping its the cream!)

I am going to keep using the cream to see if there are any more improvements and to see if my nails are getting stronger because of it! I would recommend it as a quick go to product to help give a bit of relief quickly but its not good for deep moisturising.

Have you tried this hand cream?  What do you think about it? Comment below and let me know!

Becca xox

Sunday 10 March 2013

Magazine Freebies; Percy&Reed;

Glamour Magazine, had 4 different freebies this month to buy and collect. In all honesty I had not heard of the brand Percy& Reed, however glamour claimed the 4 products would be worth up to £41 for the lot. This really intrigued me especially as the magazine is only £2 a pop.

At a total price of £8 you can collect these 4 items; Percy& Reed Colour and Shine Shampoo
                                                                     Percy& Reed Colour and Shine Conditioner
                                                                     Percy& Reed Finishing Polish
                                                                     Percy& Reed No Oil Oil
I went ahead and purchased all four products to see whether they were worth the £41 price tag or not. On first impressions I really like the packaging they come in and I think it looks really quirky. I have only used the products once each since buying the magazines and I wont do a review in this blog post as I havent used the products enough to really describe what I think of them.

However, the shampoo claims on the back that it gives your hair more depth and gloss than an A lister on Oscar night. Both the shampoo and conditioner contain raspberry oil which is said to help coloured hair shimmer and shine. Which will be a bonus for me as my hair is so dull and lifeless due to colouring.

I always manage to have fly away bits of hair or bits that just dont look right. Do you get what I mean? According to the finishing polish, which contains horse chestnut extract and sunflower wax, it keeps your hair in place with a soft flexible hold whilst gently moisturising. Once again this will be good for my sort of hair!

The No Oil Oil contains violet extracts, which helps promote smooth, sleek, shiny, volumptious locks. And it also contains vitamin B5 which the bottle says helps nourish, strengthen repair hair whilst wheat proteins provide protection from heat.

My hair needs all the strength and repair it can get, and with such an overall hefty price tag, hopefully these products will live up to a good name. I will review these after I have used them some more and will maybe consider buying a couple which I really enjoy in the future!

Your Becca xox

Review; Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint;

I have read so many blog posts raving about the Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint and I have finally jumped on the bandwagon and used my one!
Sorry about the picture quality...

I have the colour green berry and when I first used it I only had time to apply one coat. But it did last a good 3-4 days before it started to chip. It really is a high shine nail varnish like the pot says as it left my nails super glossy and with a sort of 'wet look' effect. The polish dried really super quick which was brilliant seeing as I was in a rush! I am definalty purchasing this in the other colours too!

Sorry this is such a short review; but as Im sure many of you have read reviews about this product else where and seen everyone else raving about it. I just thought I'd give you a quick idea of what I thought about it.

From one girl with Gelly Nails to another..

Becca xox

Review; Blistex Intensive Moisturiser;

I haven't done a blog post in over a week and I have been missing sitting here of an evening and writing on my little blog :(  I've been unwell since tuesday night so any of my blog post and youtube plans went straight out the window.

As I've been unwell my lips have become very dry, flaky and chapped. Which I absolutely hate! After searching through my lip balm draw I came across my recent purchase of the Blistex Intensive Moisturiser. For the past week I have used this to try and aid the healing of my lips. So now I feel like I have enough of a view of this product to decide whether or not it was worth reviewing. And I feel it is, HaHa!

The lipbalm is not like most others that are out on shop shelves, this has a cream formula which actually is a white colour on the lips, instead of a clear or tinted colour. There is a sort of minty smell as you apply the product to your lips. Which overall, I don't mind however, if you dont like overly minty smells then you still might like this as a lip balm, its more of a subtle smell than too over powering. My lips feel tingly when I apply the lipbalm, I'm not sure if this is where my lips were so dry and awful or if it was the product in general.

The tube is rather small weighing only 5g, and the angled applicator makes the tube look a tad bigger than it actually is. Im not too keen on the applicator as it is a white hard plastic, it doesn't really aid the application. the product is not sticky when it is applied to the lips, it glides on really smooth but it does have a white tinge. If you apply to much product your lips go a bright white sheen, due to the fact it is a cream and not a gel or stick balm.

Overall, this product is extremely moisturising and has left my lips feeling very soft and supple again, hooray! No more flakey skin or chapping for now. I would definatly recommend this product to anyone looking for a product to help aid dry lips. I rate this 10/10!

Definatly give this lipbalm a try if you see it.

Have you tried this product? What do you think about it, comment below and let me know!

All my love
Becca xox

Sunday 3 March 2013

Haul; Primark, Lush, Poundland & Superdrug

Finally my haul video is up onto youtube! Here's a sneak preview of some of the things I bought but the rest are on my channel.. So go over and check it out!

Becca xox